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I am an amateur photographer who has been making pictures in a concentrated way for about ten years.

Photography was a love of mine since school years and then slid out of sight for a number of years, crowded out by other worthwhile efforts, until I began again to make pictures in the middle 2000s.


I always use a digital camera as well my photographic work focuses on the use of light and shadows by attempting to expose the hidden beauty of the forgotten; as well as communicating a yearning for order within this chaotic and corruptible world.

Obsessed with the perfect mix between form and substance, my photographs stand out for its poetic and dreamer approach, but always thoughtful in spite of appearances...


If you are interested in buying a print, please contact me by email. I enjoy making photo’s / portraits with my own unique style which has nothing to do with an ordinary photo shoot next door. 


All photographs are copyright and may not be used without the permission of the photographer


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